Doctors in Spain. Call doctor to the house


Hangover Relief from Doctor Home Visit: Home Doctor Visit in Spain
Hangover Relief from Doctor Home Visit: Home Doctor Visit in Spain
For many of us, the morning after a fun night can be quite challenging. Headache, nausea, weakness – familiar symptoms of a hangover that can ruin your entire day. However, in Spain, whether you are a tourist or a local resident, you can now receive professional hangover relief right at your home. Doctor Home Visit offers home doctor services, including hangover relief.What is a Hangover and Why D... Read →
Pediatric Care: Home Pediatric Services from Doctor Home Visit
Pediatric Care: Home Pediatric Services from Doctor Home Visit
Pediatric Care: Home Services for ChildrenTaking care of children's health is a crucial task for all parents, especially when traveling, where a child may fall ill away from familiar medical facilities. In such cases, home pediatric services can be an excellent solution. Doctor Home Visit offers home visits by a pediatrician for examination and treatment of children, including vaccination and diag... Read →
Therapeutic Services: Home Treatment of Chronic Diseases in Spain
Therapeutic Services: Home Treatment of Chronic Diseases in Spain
Therapeutic Services: Home Treatment and Management of Chronic Diseases in SpainChronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma require constant monitoring and regular medical supervision. For many patients, receiving therapeutic services at home is more convenient and safer. Doctor Home Visit offers home doctor visit services, enabling effective management and treatment of chronic dis... Read →
Mountain and Natural Park Hazards: Falls, Getting Lost – Tips from Doctor Home Visit
Mountain and Natural Park Hazards: Falls, Getting Lost – Tips from Doctor Home Visit
Spain is renowned for its picturesque mountains and natural parks, which attract tourists from all over the world. These areas offer breathtaking views and unique opportunities for outdoor activities. However, despite their beauty, mountainous regions and natural parks can pose dangers for unprepared travelers. In this article, we will discuss the main risks, such as falls and getting lost, and ex... Read →
Sunburn: How to Prevent and What to Do – Tips from Doctor Home Visit
Sunburn: How to Prevent and What to Do – Tips from Doctor Home Visit
Spain is famous for its beautiful beaches and sunny climate, attracting millions of tourists every year. However, prolonged exposure to the sun without proper protection can lead to sunburn, which can seriously ruin your vacation. In this article, we will discuss how to prevent sunburn, what to do if you get one, and how Doctor Home Visit, providing home doctor visits and telemedicine services in... Read →
Quick Medical Assistance for Insect Bites in Spain by Doctor Home Visit: Home Visits and Telemedicine Services
Quick Medical Assistance for Insect Bites in Spain by Doctor Home Visit: Home Visits and Telemedicine Services
Quick Medical Assistance for Insect Bites in Spain by Doctor Home VisitSummer in Spain is not only a wonderful time for beach vacations and exploring historical sites but also a period when the risk of encountering various insects increases. Bites from mosquitoes, bees, wasps, and other insects can become an unpleasant surprise for tourists and residents alike. Doctor Home Visit is ready to assist... Read →
Sharks in Spain: Tips for Tourists and Residents
Sharks in Spain: Tips for Tourists and Residents
Sharks in Spain: What Tourists and Residents Need to KnowSpain is renowned for its picturesque beaches and crystal-clear waters, attracting millions of tourists every year. However, while swimming, you might encounter sharks. In this article, we will explore what you need to know about sharks in Spain, whether to fear them, and what to do if you encounter a shark.Sharks in Spain: General Informati... Read →
Jellyfish in Spain: What Tourists and Residents Need to Know
Jellyfish in Spain: What Tourists and Residents Need to Know
Spain is renowned for its picturesque beaches and crystal-clear waters, attracting millions of tourists every year. However, while swimming, you might encounter jellyfish. In this article, we will explore what you need to know about jellyfish in Spain, whether to fear them, and what to do if stung.Jellyfish in Spain: General InformationJellyfish are marine creatures that can be found in the coasta... Read →
Flu and Cold Prevention: What You Need to Know
Flu and Cold Prevention: What You Need to Know
Flu and colds are common seasonal illnesses that can significantly impact your health and daily life. It is important to know how to prevent these illnesses and what to do if they occur. In this article, we will discuss measures for preventing flu and colds and how Doctor Home Visit, offering home doctor visits and telemedicine services in Spain, can assist tourists and residents.Key Measures for... Read →
How to Boost Your Immunity in Spain: Best Methods and Tips from Doctor Home Visit
How to Boost Your Immunity in Spain: Best Methods and Tips from Doctor Home Visit
A strong immune system is the key to good health and longevity, especially in today’s world where viral and bacterial infections are a daily reality. Residents and tourists in Spain can use various methods to strengthen their immune systems. Doctor Home Visit, providing home doctor visits and telemedicine services, offers tips and recommendations to help you stay healthy and protect your body from... Read →
What to Do in a Medical Emergency Before the Doctor Arrives: Tips from Doctor Home Visit
What to Do in a Medical Emergency Before the Doctor Arrives: Tips from Doctor Home Visit
What to Do in a Medical Emergency Before the Doctor ArrivesMedical emergencies can happen suddenly and require immediate action before professional medical help arrives. Knowing what to do in such situations can significantly affect the outcome. In this article, we will provide practical advice and recommendations on how to act in medical emergencies before the doctor arrives. Doctor Home Visit, o... Read →
First Aid Basics: Step by Step by Doctor Home Visit
First Aid Basics: Step by Step by Doctor Home Visit
First Aid Basics: Step by StepFirst aid is a set of simple and effective measures that can save lives or prevent the worsening of a condition until professional medical help arrives. This is especially important for tourists and residents in Spain, who may encounter unforeseen situations far from home. Doctor Home Visit, providing home doctor visits and telemedicine services, offers a step-by-step... Read →
How to Prepare for a Home Doctor Visit: What You Need to Know from Doctor Home Visit
How to Prepare for a Home Doctor Visit: What You Need to Know from Doctor Home Visit
A home doctor visit is a convenient and effective way to receive medical care without leaving your home. This is particularly relevant for tourists and residents in Spain who may need urgent medical intervention or regular check-ups. Doctor Home Visit, offering home doctor visits and telemedicine services, shares recommendations on how to properly prepare for a doctor’s visit to ensure you receive... Read →
Medical Services for Expats and Tourists in Spain by Doctor Home Visit
Medical Services for Expats and Tourists in Spain by Doctor Home Visit
Medical Services for Expats and Tourists in SpainSpain is a popular destination for both tourists and expats, renowned for its beautiful weather, rich culture, and high-quality healthcare system. However, while away from home, expats and tourists might need medical services. Doctor Home Visit, providing home doctor visits and telemedicine services in Spain, offers convenient and high-quality medic... Read →
Medical Ethics: What It Is and Why It Matters by Doctor Home Visit
Medical Ethics: What It Is and Why It Matters by Doctor Home Visit
Medical Ethics: What It Is and Why It MattersMedical ethics is a set of moral principles and values that guide the behavior of healthcare professionals and define their relationships with patients, colleagues, and society at large. With the rapid advancement of medicine and technology, adherence to ethical standards is becoming increasingly important. For Doctor Home Visit, a company providing hom... Read →
Patient Rights in Spain: What You Need to Know from Doctor Home Visit
Patient Rights in Spain: What You Need to Know from Doctor Home Visit
Patient Rights in Spain: What You Need to KnowSpain is renowned for its high-quality healthcare system, where patient rights are well-protected by law. This is important not only for local residents but also for tourists who may need medical assistance during their stay in the country. Doctor Home Visit, offering home doctor visits and telemedicine services in Spain, shares essential information a... Read →
Vaccination in Spain: Important Information from Doctor Home Visit
Vaccination in Spain: Important Information from Doctor Home Visit
Vaccination in Spain: What You Need to KnowVaccination plays a crucial role in protecting public health and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. In Spain, vaccination is mandatory for children and recommended for adults, especially those in high-risk groups. Doctor Home Visit, offering home doctor visits and telemedicine services in Spain, shares up-to-date information on the vaccination... Read →
Private and Public Healthcare in Spain: What to Choose from Doctor Home Visit
Private and Public Healthcare in Spain: What to Choose from Doctor Home Visit
Private and Public Healthcare in Spain: What to ChooseSpain is renowned for its high-quality healthcare system, which includes both private and public medical services. Choosing between them can be challenging, especially for tourists and new residents. Doctor Home Visit, offering home doctor visits and telemedicine services in Spain, explains the differences between private and public healthcare... Read →
Patient Rights in Spain: What You Need to Know from Doctor Home Visit
Patient Rights in Spain: What You Need to Know from Doctor Home Visit
Patient Rights in Spain: What You Need to KnowSpain is one of the countries with a highly developed healthcare system, where patient rights are protected by law. It is important to know your rights whether you are a tourist or a permanent resident of Spain to receive quality medical care. Doctor Home Visit, offering home doctor visits and telemedicine services in Spain, shares key information abou... Read →
How to Recognize and Treat Allergies in Children and Adults: Recommendations from Doctor Home Visit
How to Recognize and Treat Allergies in Children and Adults: Recommendations from Doctor Home Visit
How to Recognize and Treat Allergies in Children and Adults: Recommendations from Doctor Home VisitAllergies are a common condition that can affect both children and adults. In Spain, with its diverse climate and nature, allergic reactions can occur in both tourists and locals at any time of the year. Doctor Home Visit, providing home doctor visits and telemedicine services in Spain, shares useful... Read →
10 Simple Tips for Staying Healthy at Home from Doctor Home Visit: Home Visit Doctor Services and Telemedicine in Spain for Tourists and Residents
10 Simple Tips for Staying Healthy at Home from Doctor Home Visit: Home Visit Doctor Services and Telemedicine in Spain for Tourists and Residents
10 Simple Tips for Staying Healthy at Home: Recommendations from Doctor Home VisitIn today's fast-paced world, taking care of your health is more important than ever. Doctor Home Visit, offering home visit doctor services and telemedicine in Spain, has prepared 10 simple tips to help you stay healthy at home. These recommendations will be useful for both tourists and residents in Spain.1. Maintain... Read →
Medical tourism in Spain: Reliable support with Doctor Home Visit
Medical tourism in Spain: Reliable support with Doctor Home Visit
Despite the allure of other tourist destinations, Spain offers an incredible charm, rich culture, and unique cuisine that visitors want to delve into. But what if you could get not just a wonderful experience, but health care management throughout your visit? With Doctor Home Visit, you can.Our doctor home visit and telemedicine services mean reliable healthcare in Spain for tourists and expatriat... Read →
Vitamin D in Spain: Daily Boost with Doctor Home Visit
Vitamin D in Spain: Daily Boost with Doctor Home Visit
Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in our health. Yet, in some climates, its deficiency is a pressing issue, especially during colder months. This is where Doctor Home Visit becomes particularly relevant, as Spain is an ideal location for getting your natural Vitamin D fix.Daily doctor house-calls allow you to enjoy your comfortable vacation or routinely without interrupting to visit the doctor. Docto... Read →
Psoriasis Treatment in Spain with Doctor Home Visit: Quality Telemedicine and Home-Visit Doctors Available Daily
Psoriasis Treatment in Spain with Doctor Home Visit: Quality Telemedicine and Home-Visit Doctors Available Daily
Sun, sea, golden beaches, and … freedom from psoriasis. Yes, all of these are Spain. The country that, besides unforgettable touristic points, can offer unique natural treatment for psoriasis. Here at Doctor Home Visit, we provide high-standard medical services, including tailored psoriasis treatment, home-visited doctors, and telemedicine.We implement an approach considering each individual's nee... Read →
Hemodialysis in Spain: Services and Collaboration with a major international company
Hemodialysis in Spain: Services and Collaboration with a major international company
Hemodialysis is a blood purification procedure that is usually performed on patients with severe kidney disease or insufficient kidney function. During the procedure, the patient's blood is pumped through a device called a dialyzer, which removes unnecessary substances, such as toxins, excessive salt, and extra fluid. The purified blood is then returned back to the patient's body.The hemodialysis... Read →
Prescriptions and Purchasing Medications in Spain
Prescriptions and Purchasing Medications in Spain
Starting with the fact that in Spain, a prescription is a written recommendation from a doctor indicating the name of the medical preparation, dosage, frequency, and duration of medication intake, with the doctor's signature and stamp (who is a member of the medical association in Spain and has a corresponding collegiate number) and a date (usually prescriptions are valid for 14 days).Prescription... Read →
Spain: How to handle the heat? Find out with Doctor Home Visit!
Spain: How to handle the heat? Find out with Doctor Home Visit!
Peak temperatures have arrived in Spain, and the scouring heat can be quite a problem for both tourists and residents of this picturesque country. However, there is no need to fret. With Doctor Home Visit, you will always feel secure and protected.Intense heat brings with it a number of health issues, from dehydration and overheating to dangerous heat strokes. Here's what precautions you can take... Read →
Information on Emergency Medical Assistance in Spain
Information on Emergency Medical Assistance in Spain
Spain prides itself on its high standard of medical care, inclusive of its emergency medical response system. Understanding how to navigate this system is particularly crucial when traveling. In case of experiencing a medical emergency in Spain, knowing how to seek help becomes paramount. In such instances, Doctor Home Visit's expert advice can come in handy.Emergency calls in Spain can be made to... Read →
Rapid Antigen Test for COVID-19 at Home with Valid Travel Certificate
Rapid Antigen Test for COVID-19 at Home with Valid Travel Certificate
With the ongoing pandemic, safety and ease of access to medical services have become paramount. That's why at Doctor Home Visit, we provide rapid antigen tests for COVID-19 right at your doorstep. We understand the varying needs of our clients, and we aim to offer convenient, swift, and reliable solutions.Our experienced professionals will come to your home or hotel, eliminating the need for you t... Read →
Unmasking Hospital Corruption in Mallorca: Insights from Doctor Home Visit's Medical Experts
Unmasking Hospital Corruption in Mallorca: Insights from Doctor Home Visit's Medical Experts
During the ten-year span of working as a healthcare professional and coordinating for insurance companies, I've gained considerable experience dealing with various doctors and hospitals in Mallorca. The information I've gathered over the years has prompted me to expose an alarming pattern of unethical practices within some of the private hospitals in this picturesque island. Here at Doctor Home Vi... Read →
The Dark Side of African Braids: A Health Hazard
The Dark Side of African Braids: A Health Hazard
In the colorful streets, glimmering embankments, and bustling city areas in Spain, it's common to admire the appealing sight of stunning, dark-skinned ladies craftily weaving their braids amidst the streams of passers-by. This vibrant activity offers a result that I, as a medical practitioner, find remarkably stunning and gracefully elegant. Their tailored braids are not just a testament to intrin... Read →
The Unique Sunburn Trend Among British Vacationers in Spain: Understanding and Taking Precautions
The Unique Sunburn Trend Among British Vacationers in Spain: Understanding and Taking Precautions
Spain, with its sparkling coastlines and pristine beaches, is a preferred holiday destination for many Europeans. The golden to bronze-tinted sunbathers are a typical sight, bolstering the lively atmosphere. However, a curious observation by the skilled medical team at Doctor Home Visit suggests a striking trend among vacationers from specific nationalities, particularly, the British.Our doctors i... Read →
Unusual Aftereffects of Fun: How Entertainment in PortAventura Can Lead to Sore Throat
Unusual Aftereffects of Fun: How Entertainment in PortAventura Can Lead to Sore Throat
Mysterious and captivating, PortAventura, the gigantic amusement park in Salou, Spain, attracts millions of visitors each year with its thrilling rides and vibrant shows. However, have you ever wondered what's the most common reason for seeing a doctor after visiting this exciting place? The answer might surprise you.Burns and Injuries are SecondaryWhen we think about possible reasons for seeing a... Read →
Navigating the Perils of Foreign Bodies in the Nose
Navigating the Perils of Foreign Bodies in the Nose
Children are naturally curious, adventurous, and it's often said they learn by exploring their world. That said, every so often, this exploratory learning process leads to unforeseen complications - such as the case of a child inserting a foreign object into their nose. One such encounter from the medical practice in Costa Dorada traces how routine a day for a medical professional can take an unex... Read →
Navigating Health Care in Spain after Brexit
Navigating Health Care in Spain after Brexit
IntroductionBrexit's impact is far-reaching and has affected various sectors in different ways. One aspect of concern for citizens of the United Kingdom, especially those residing in Spain, involves changes in the healthcare system. According to Spain's government decision of December 21, 2020, the validity of European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) for UK citizens has been temporarily extended pos... Read →

Spain and the world at large is constantly changing when it comes to medicine and health care, and here on the Doctor Home Visit news page, we share the latest news and insightful articles for you. Our aim is to keep you informed and offer helpful tips and recommendations that can help you improve and maintain your health.

From information on the latest developments in telemedicine to advice on maintaining good health while travelling - our news page provides you with the full picture. We guarantee: you'll find valuable information here whether you're a tourist, a new resident in Spain or simply looking to learn more about how to take better care of your health.

Doctor Home Visit is dedicated to providing high-quality medical services including telemedicine and doctor home visits. On our news and articles page, we emphasize on timely and relevant health care topics.

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